Plastic 3D printing


Plastic 3D printing is an additive manufacturing technology that creates three-dimensional objects by building up materials layer by layer

One-off CNC machining prototype

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Highly customized
Personalized customization
Rapid prototyping
Shorten development cycle
Performance can be adjusted
Material diversity and performance optimization
Why Choose Rapidefficient Plastic 3D Printing

Our plastic 3D printing capabilities

There are many advantages to choosing Rapidefficient plastic 3D printing。first,It enables highly complex plastic part designs,Easily create shapes that are difficult to create with traditional techniques,Meet individual needs。Secondly,rapid prototyping,Greatly shorten product development cycle,Reduce time costs,Enable enterprises to respond to market changes faster。Furthermore,Can be customized as needed,Small batch production is also cost-effective,No need for expensive molds。in addition,Able to flexibly choose a variety of plastic materials,Adapt to the performance requirements of different application scenarios。You can also adjust the design in real time,Reduce error costs。In short,Rapidefficient plastic 3D printing supports innovation and efficient production

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What is plastic 3D printing

Plastic 3D printing is an additive manufacturing technology,Build three-dimensional objects by stacking plastic materials layer by layer。

It utilizes 3D printing equipment,plastic materials such as thermoplastics、Photosensitive resin, etc.) with filaments、Powder or liquid form,According to the pre-designed digital model,Point by point from bottom to top、line by line、Stacking face by face,Finally form the required plastic products

Plastic 3D printing is highly flexible and customizable,Can produce parts and models of various complex shapes,Widely used in industrial design、prototyping、medical、educate、Art and other fields。For example,in industrial design,Product prototypes can be quickly produced for testing and optimization;in medical field,Personalized medical devices and implants can be customized。Learn more about the CNC machining process

Rapidefficient plastic 3D printing specializes in projects

Industrial Design and Prototyping

Quickly validate product designs:

Designers can turn ideas into physical models in a short time,For example, the casing of new electronic products,Rapidly create prototypes with 3D printing,to verify its size、Appearance and fitability,Compared with traditional mold making and prototyping,Time is greatly shortened,The cost is also lower

Ability to quickly make multiple iterations of design modifications,Quickly reprint the model for testing after each modification,Improve design perfection

Medical field

Customized medical devices:

Customized and personalized prosthetics、Orthotics and other rehabilitation aids,Precisely designed and 3D printed based on patient’s physical characteristics and needs,Make the device fit perfectly to the patient’s body,Improve patient comfort and effectiveness

Print customized dental models、dental crown、dental bridge etc.,Meet the unique shape and size requirements of different patients’ mouths,Compared with traditional handmade,Higher accuracy、Shorter production cycle

Automotive industry

Customization of interior and exterior parts:

Can be based on customers’ individual needs,Parts for custom car interiors,Such as center console decorative parts、door handle、Shift lever etc.,Achieve unique interior decoration effects,Improving car personalization

Quickly create customized kits for car appearance,like car body surround、Air intake grille, etc.,For design display of car modifications or concept cars,Able to see the actual modification effect in a short time

Education field

Teaching model production:

For science and engineering courses such as physics、Chemical、Making teaching models for biology, etc.,such as molecular structure model、human organ model、Mechanical transmission model, etc.,Help students understand abstract knowledge concepts more intuitively

Creative sculpture models can be printed in art education,Allow students to create art and design in three-dimensional space,Cultivate students’ spatial imagination and creativity

Architectural design field

Architectural model making:

Architects can quickly print out scale models of buildings,Used to display design proposals,including the exterior of the building、Internal space layout, etc.,Convenience to customers、Construction team communicates and exchanges

Ability to create models of complex building structures,like a strange building、Large complexes, etc.,Better present the uniqueness and innovation of design,Help assess building feasibility and visual impact

Consumer goods field

Creative homeware design:

Design and print unique and creative homewares,such as lamps、vase、tableware、Decorations etc.,Meet consumers’ needs for personalized home decoration,Add a unique artistic atmosphere to your home environment

Leverage the flexibility of 3D printing,Create multifunctional homewares,Such as furniture parts that can be deformed or combined,Improve the utilization and fun of home space

CNC lathe
Production of CNC parts per month
CNC machining materials
Display of plastic 3D printed parts

In the plastic 3D printed parts display area,Various wonderful works are eye-catching。There are exquisite and small mechanical parts,Demonstrating the charm of high-precision printing,Can be used for prototype development and low-volume production。There are also creative art ornaments,Unique shapes and delicate textures highlight the endless possibilities of plastic 3D printing。Customized models in the medical field,such as prosthetics and dental models,Highlights the advantages of its personalized services。From industrial design to home decoration,These parts cover a variety of areas,Demonstrating the flexibility of plastic 3D printing、Efficient and innovative,Bring new opportunities and breakthroughs to the development of various industries

The main advantages of plastic 3D printing
Highly customized

1. Complex shape design:Plastic 3D printing enables complex geometries to be easily realized,This is beyond the reach of traditional manufacturing methods。Whether it has complex cavities inside、Fine hollow structure,Or parts with unique curved surfaces and shaped contours?,can be precisely manufactured using 3D printing technology。For example,in medical field,Personalized prostheses can be printed based on the patient’s specific anatomy、Dental braces, etc.

2. Personalized customization:One-on-one customized production can be carried out according to the specific needs of customers。Whether it is a unique art design、Personalized electronic product housings,Or industrial parts with specific functional requirements?,can be quickly customized by adjusting design parameters.。for example,Some designers can use plastic 3D printing technology to turn their ideas into reality,Create unique fashion accessories or home decorations

Material diversity and performance optimization

1. Rich selection of plastic materials:at present,A wide range of plastic materials available for 3D printing,including engineering plastics、flexible plastic、High temperature resistant plastics, etc.。Different materials have different performance characteristics,Can meet application needs in different fields。For example,Engineering plastics have high strength and stiffness,Suitable for manufacturing mechanical parts;Flexible plastics can be used to make wearable devices and soft products

2. Performance can be adjusted:By adjusting printing parameters and post-processing processes,The performance of plastic 3D printed parts can be controlled to a certain extent。For example,Print layer thickness can be changed、Fill density and other parameters to adjust the strength and weight of the part;through post-processing processes such as annealing、Chemical treatment, etc.,Can improve the surface quality and mechanical properties of parts。at the same time,Multiple materials can also be combined for composite printing,Optimized combinations for performance

Rapid prototyping

1. Shorten development cycle:during product development,Plastic 3D printing enables rapid prototyping,Allows designers and engineers to evaluate and improve products in a short period of time。Compared with traditional mold manufacturing,Greatly save time and cost。For example,in the automotive industry,Component development for new car models can be quickly prototyped through 3D printing,Perform performance testing and optimization,Thereby accelerating the development progress of the entire model

2. Efficient small batch production:For small batch production needs,Plastic 3D printing has clear advantages。No need to make expensive molds,Can be produced directly based on digital models,Respond quickly to market needs。For example,Some emerging electronics companies can use 3D printing technology to quickly produce small batches of special parts,Meet early marketing and customer trial needs

A quick guide to plastic 3D printing
Determine needs

1. Identify the purpose of the plastic part to be printed、size、Accuracy requirements, etc.。For example,If it is used for industrial prototyping,May require higher accuracy and strength;If it is a creative jewelry,pay more attention to appearance design
2. Consider required material properties,Different plastic materials have different hardnesses、toughness、Heat resistance, etc.

1. Design part models using professional 3D modeling software,Make sure the model is well structured、No errors。You can refer to existing design cases or make innovative designs based on actual needs.
2. Pay attention to the process characteristics of 3D printing when designing,Such as avoiding too small structures、Design appropriate supports, etc.

1. Choose the right 3D printer based on your part’s requirements and budget。Desktop and industrial grade printers available,Industrial grade usually has higher accuracy、Larger print size
2. Choose the right plastic material,Such as ABS、PLA、TPU etc.,Each material has its own unique performance characteristics

1. Import the designed model into the 3D printer software,Set printing parameters,including layer thickness、Printing speed、Temperature etc.
2. Place the printing platform,Make sure the platform is level,to ensure print quality

1. Start the printer,Observe the printing process,Make sure printing is working properly。if something goes wrong,Pause printing and make adjustments promptly
2. After printing is completed,Carefully remove parts,Remove support structures (if any)

1. Polish the parts、Polishing and other treatments,to improve surface quality
2. Color as needed、Coating and other treatments,Enhance part aesthetics and performance

From idea to product

Whether you need a small number of parts or 10000 Multiple production objects that are ultimately put into use,CNC machining is an ideal manufacturing method。The following are the customized CNC services we launch

Efficient manufacturing

By Rapidefficient,You can complete product manufacturing in a short time,so as to be able to quickly enter the market

Real-time costing
Instant process feedback
Top quality
Fast delivery
Mass production

Efficient mold making is a cost-effective way,Able to bridge the gap between sample production and mass production。Quickly let your products occupy the market

Control costs
High quality standards
Fast delivery
Test the market before investing
Customized production

For custom projects,Our professional team will help you achieve the best products in terms of quality and efficiency

Senior process optimization engineer
Dedicated project manager
First batch of tests
Ensure consistent quality at all times
Make your parts now
Start production operation

All information and uploaded materials are secure and confidential

A quick guide to plastic 3D printing
The printed surface is rough

Performance:The surface of printed plastic parts is not smooth,There is obvious layering or graininess。
reason:The print layer thickness setting is too large、Printing speed is too fast、The nozzle temperature is inappropriate、Poor material quality etc.

Reduce print layer thickness,Improve printing accuracy
Reduce printing speed,Give materials enough time to blend
Adjust the nozzle temperature,Ensure the material is fully melted and bonded
Choose better quality plastic materials

Performance:Plastic printed parts are prone to breakage or deformation,Unable to withstand certain external forces
reason:Improper material selection、The printing parameters are unreasonable、Unreasonable part structure design, etc.

Choose stronger plastic materials,Such as engineering plastics
Optimize printing parameters,If increasing filling density、Reduce printing speed, etc.
Improve part structure design,Add reinforcement and other structures

Performance:3D The printer’s nozzle is clogged,Causes printing to be interrupted or print quality to deteriorate
reason:Too much material impurities、The nozzle temperature is too high or too low、Printing speed is too fast, etc.

Use better quality plastic materials,Reduce impurities
Adjust the nozzle temperature,Ensure materials can be melted and extruded smoothly
Reduce printing speed,Avoid material accumulation at the nozzle

Performance:The printed part size does not match the design size,There is a large error
reason:Printer accuracy problem、Material shrinkage is large、Printing parameter setting errors, etc.

Calibrating 3D Printer Accuracy,Make sure the print size is accurate
Consider material shrinkage,Compensate for dimensions during design
Check printing parameter settings,Make sure it’s correct

Performance:Printed parts are warped during or after printing.,Affect usage
reason:Printing platform temperature is uneven、Material shrinkage is large、Printing speed is too fast, etc.

Ensure the printing platform temperature is even,You can use methods such as a heated bed or applying tape to the platform
Choose plastic materials with smaller shrinkage rates
Reduce printing speed,Allow material enough time to cool and solidify

Application areas of CNC machining

Our CNC machining services have been praised by global customers from different fields。We supply CNC machining components to a variety of industries,Covers the following and more


Large size parts,Such as CNC machined ABS bumpers、PC/ABS instrument panels and precision automotive parts,Reflector for example、lens、Steering wheel assembly、engine、transmission

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Robotics and Automation

Robot parts for the robotics and automation industry、actuator、end effector、Motor、Automatic control equipment、Fixtures and housings

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Stainless steel or titanium bone plate、prosthesis、respiratory equipment、handheld device、diagnostic equipment、anatomical model、Components for medical needs such as surgical instruments

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Aero engine、body、turbine、brake、tire parts、lighting system、Vacuum pump and fuel pump parts

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Consumer electronics

Consumer products,such as electronic equipment casings、button、handle、Knob、switch、wearable digital devices、Cookware products、sports equipment

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New energy

New energy industry components,e.g. heat exchanger、valve、pipeline、Pumps and accessories、Hydraulic components、Battery components、solar panel components、Frame and impeller

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Industrial machinery

Electronic housing、conveyor belt、fastener、connector、Generator components、fixtures、Machine and tool parts for industrial machinery

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Actual models can be created based on semiconductor requirements,Engineering models and other experimental equipment,We work with universities around the world

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